
A Conversation with Irene Weiss

A Conversation with Irene Weiss
The life of 13-year-old Irene Weiss changed forever when she and her sister, Serena, were assigned to a work detail, and a Nazi guard sent many other family members to their immediate deaths at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

"We asked the other prisoners when we would see our families," Irene remembers. "A woman pointed to the chimney and said, 'Do you see the smoke? There is your family.'"

Come hear a live conversation with a child Holocaust survivor Mrs. Irene Weiss on October 29th at 2:00 PM.
The event will be broadcast live with captioning, and an ASL interpreter will be present.

Every attempt will be made to make additional accommodations upon request. Email Rabbi Yanky Baron: [email protected], or call 443-676-3837. All submissions should be made before October 15th, 2023.

To sponsor the event, please call Rabbi Yanky Baron at 443-676-3837 or Email: [email protected].

Corporate Sponsor: $1000 Family Sponsor: $500
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A Conversation with Irene Weiss   Oct 29, 2023 2:00PM
 Reservations for this event segment is closed.